Dear Patient
We remain open for all our patients to help provide the best service we can during this COVID period. We are endeavouring to assist and support all our patients while balancing patient safety. In the current climate, to keep you safe we will bring the service to you: offering you telephone consultations and video consultations where necessary as this ensures we can all observe social distancing while continuing to address all your medical needs.
We are offering the following options:
- if you have minor ailments or need advice try our Doctor Link service – its is an online triaging service which, after going through the symptom checker, if you need a GP appointment books you in to get a call back from the practice – details on our website
- If you need health advice, want to ask a Doctor/Nurse or the practice a question you can do this via the website
- If you have a medication query ask for a call back from the practice Pharmacist
- If you would like some help with a social issue eg help for carers, please ask for a telephone appointment with our Social Prescribing Linkwork, Saera
- Just so you know we are telephone triaging all appointments, due to the COVID situation therefore please bear with us as all care will begin with an initial telephone call
- GP’s also have the ability to undertake video and picture consultations
- After assessing you on the phone, your GP will give you an allocated time to come in for a face to face appointment.
Please attend the practice at the allocated time given to you by the gp (we are limiting the numbers in the practice so please come on your own if possible, ( carer’s and one parent can attend if necessary ) if you arrive too early you may have to wait outside) and please wear a face covering at all times in the practice.
Help us to help you keep safe and healthy