Opening Hours

We are currently open.


Monday to Friday the doors are open from 08:00 until 18:30. Our telephone lines are open from 08:00 until 18:30. Reception is manned from 08:00 until 18:30. Administration is manned from 08:00 until 17:00.

We can also book GP & Nurse appointments at our locality extended access hub (Thornton Heath) 18:30 to 20:00 every weekday & Saturday 09:00-15:00.

When We Are Closed

If you wish to speak to an emergency doctor, please phone 111 (Croydon Urgent Care Alliance) where an answering service will take your details and pass them on to one of the doctors or a deputising doctor who will deal with your problem. Calls will be recorded.

Our out-of-hours service is provided by Croydon Urgent Care Alliance, located at Mayday Hospital, CR7 7YE between the hours of 18:30 to 08:30 weekdays and all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday to 08:30, and Bank Holidays. You can also be seen at a GP Hub without an appointment but may have to wait.

Out of Hours Service

Between 18:30 and 08:00 Monday to Friday and all day at weekends and on Bank Holidays your call will be redirected to the NHS 111 service.

Croydon GP Hubs

People who live or work in Croydon have access to a wide range of urgent care services including booked appointments with a GP available from 08:00 to 20:00, seven days a week.