Group Consultations

One Thornton Heath Primary Care Network are offering Video Group Consultations (VGC) to support our patients to manage their health.

What is a Video Group Consultation?

A VGC brings together people with similar health needs to connect with their health professional and other patients at the same time. The remote session will provide time to learn more about how to improve your health and ask questions specific to you. You will also hear about other people’s experiences to help you in everyday life.

A VGC normally lasts 90 minutes.

What happens in a Video Group Consultation?

Our VGCs are held on Microsoft Teams. A member of our team facilitates the consultation on specific health topics and/or conditions between a group of patients and a clinician, usually a doctor.

What are the benefits of Video Group Consultation?

During the VGC you will have the opportunity to spend longer with a clinician discussing a specific health matter, and any related concerns, and get answers to questions important to you regarding your health. Furthermore, you will receive important advice on the management of your condition, along with learning from other people’s experiences.

What are patients saying?

“It was very educative. I learnt quite a lot about how to manage my condition”.

“I found this video call so much better than a 10 minute consultation with a GP as other participants asked questions I may not have thought to ask… the video call more than exceeded my expectations”.

“I enjoyed the session; it enabled me to acquire a better understanding of the disease. Thank you”.

90% of people would recommend the session to family and friends.

Info: If you are interested in joining a session or for more information please contact Luciana on or SMS 07704560397.